Hey mister where you headed?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Greenday is t3h smex <3


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last week I had the strangest dream where everything was exactly how it seemed
~The Postal Service

Well actually I dreamt about zombies, and Batman was somewhere in there too. But WHATEVER

That's right lol. I honestly can't be bothered with uni anymore. Just go away science

¡Chemistry es muy abburrido!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today's quote of the day comes from... Grandpa Yugi =D

"That's Kaiba's Duel-Dome! You know, in my day, we didn't have Duel-Domes. We had to play our card games out on the street... and our cards weren't even real cards. They were just rocks we picked up off the ground, and then we threw them at each other.

Come to think of it, it wasn't really card games at all. We just liked to throw rocks at each other. Mostly at me. That's probably why I have so much self-loathing."

And now I shall go pour gasoline all over me and set myself alight study chemistry. KTHXBYE!

¶ !!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is that thing anyway? o_O

'I dont know whare ime going but ime on my way'

gold haha

Biology can go die : /

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So I attempted this 90 question biology practice test, got up to question 20 and realized that I couldn't even understand what the questions were asking anymore...


omnomnom human flesh :D

It's not meee

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's my bad body double
~Imogen Heap

How to spend a typical school holiday

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Well not really. I should be studying but..


Quote of the day

It's like that old chinese proverb, 'man who chases two rabbits hits tree'
~My best friend


That's life... you just gotta grit your teeth and smile back at it.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

A squatter's made a mural of a Mexican girl
With fifteen cans of spray paint in a chemical swirl
She's standing in the ashes at the end of the world
Four winds blowing through her hair

~Conor Oberst

His lyrics are so awesome ;_;

In other news...

¿ Cantas bien ?

Friday, April 2, 2010

My day today (the first day of the so called 'holidays') :
Get up, go to work, go home.
And now it's 1am

On the bright side, double pay :). I just have to make this money last me until my next shift...
Which means I'm probably gonna have to make it last the year lol

Look in my eyes; you're killing me, killing me
~30 Seconds to Mars