Nothing in life comes easy

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I just realized my last post failed because the embed code didn't work properly lol fail.
So I deleted it and am replacing it with this. Enjoy :)

Introduce a little anarchy

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's the point of it all?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What if everything you ever wanted came in a ROCKET CAN?

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So... I told myself I was going to do some study on the weekend and... HAHAHAHAHA no. I really wish I had the willpower to nerd it up all the time but I just can't be bothered anymore. The fact that nobody else doing Science at Melb actually studies either does not help at all...

On the flipside, I'm teaching myself how to play guitar, and I learned how to play Sunshine Of Your Love (kind of...) WEEKEND PRODUCTIVITY FTW

In other news... Inception was BRILLIANT. And by brilliant I mean extreme mind fuckery, the kind that flips your brain upside down and then blows it up.

(Pictured: Remains of my brain after watching Inception)

The plot itself was okay-ish but my god the directing was spot on. The dream sequences were done extremely well. I WISH my dreams were that awesome (my dreams actually run like B-grade zombie movies...). The idea of a different rate of time in dreams was genius, and how they showed it in the movie was even better (though slightly cheesy imo). Also the underlying concepts beneath everything in the movie- questioning reality, inspiration, rogue subconscious ideas in the mind and the perception of time itself really make you think (and further screw with your brain if the plot wasn't confusing enough for you)

Also, the movie somehow made architects look badass... so WELL DONE CHRISTOPHER NOLAN!

(Pictured: Badass at work. I wish I was doing Environments instead of Science now)

Oh yeah and if you don't know where the title of this blogpost or BEARBLASTING is from... then SHAME ON YOU.
Educate yourself with these links :)