Dearly beloved

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Are we demented or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?

For some reason I've been feeling extremely dejected lately. Maybe it's just the pressure from everything. At what point does a child become an adult? Is it when he hits 18? Is it after he graduates from uni? When you're a kid, you look up to adults and see a completely different world. Adults just seem to know everything: what to do, how to handle things. Yet it seems with the snap of a finger, you yourself are now an 'adult' all of a sudden. It doesn't feel any different. You're the same person, except now carrying a multitude of responsibilities and problems, and all you look forward to are those brief moments of respite in between. I miss the days when the biggest problem on my mind was that assignment due next week, or that test tomorrow, or even how to get my pokemon to level 100. In many ways, these are still issues for me (pokemon especially) but now their importance seems to be drowned out by a sea of other worries. As time passes by, life only seems to get more complicated; you get tangled up in an intricate web of taxes, mortgages, bills, 'adult stuff'.

As a kid, I, like many others, envisioned many things for the 'adult' me. I don't know about others, but personally I look at myself now, and don't see much.

What's the point of it all?

yes i'm an emo kid.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down like toy soldiers

everything comes back to maths

Monday, April 18, 2011