If you don't, well honey then you don't
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Mid-sweet-talk newspaper word cutouts
Was really awesome live :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I survived yet ANOTHER steroid wednesday :D
Thought I'd just like to say..
And now for a multilingual (Italian, Spanish, French, English) song by the ever talented Jack Johnson :D
I've got a big weekend coming up.. but i kind of just want to sit down and do nothing all day
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
7 Hours of straight uni is NOT fun. Also, for some reason finishing early doesn't seem to be that great. I don't really feel like going home, but I don't really feel like studying either (after 7 hours of lectures..), and most other people usually still have lectures... I think I'll just bring a pillow and blanket and sleep in the library next time. :/
hoy, me deseo cantar la cancion es....
(Today, the song I feel like singing is...)
Jimmy Eat World - SweetnessI was really impressed by Jimmy Eat World when I saw them at Soundwave, and so I decided to check out their most known album, Bleed American.
Well, I wouldn't really call it ingenius, mind-blowing, or genre refining stuff, but it is plain and simple good music. This is one of my favourite songs from it :)
Go get this album NAO
Also, it's only 10 but I'm going to bed. ROAR
Q: How do you make fireflies yummier than they already are
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A: You give it a reggae beat
This song is a mash up of Hey Soul Sister by Train and Fireflies by Owl City
It is epic
Enjoy :D
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
Friday, March 12, 2010
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
~Henry David Thoreau, excerpt from Walden
I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Now I remember why I like Muse so much : )
One of my favorite songs of all time from them. OF ALL TIME!
And some people reckon the video is crap, but I love it too.
Muse - Time Is Running Out
Tribute to a Free Bird
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"To me, there's nothing freer than a bird, you know, just flying wherever he wants to go. And, I don't know, that's what this country is all about, being free. I think everyone wants to be a free bird."—Ronnie Van Zant, original frontman of Lynard SkynardRIP : (
(Epic epicness starts at 5:30)
Why do all the good musicians die young? :/
A Metaphor for Life
Everybody needs to watch this video, 4 million hits in 4 days is a pretty good effort :)
I love how Ok Go just make the most interesting music videos ever known to mankind. First the treadmill dance and now this...