Breaking Point

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I've got to say that the past two weeks have been some of the damn toughest days of my entire life, especially this week.

As previously mentioned I have been doing summer school, the intenseness of which could only be described by the image of a god damn car crashing into a helicopter in mid-air.

But seriously to give you all a glimpse of the course I'm taking, we've got a test every week, and an assignment due after that and an exam every fortnight.

Also, not previously mentioned, is the fact that I'm simultaneously getting more shifts at an evil institution run by a demented red haired clown called McDonalds.
And really.. the two aren't combining well.

Pictured: School + work everyday = Jigglypuff's disapproval

Today's been my third day of school and work straight after, and I'm fairly sure that this is quite unhealthy. It's 12:25am (I got home at 11). I feel like a zombie right now, and I've got to start writing two spanish essays and finish a spanish assignment as well.

Pictured: healthy?

Also, I'm working 28 hours next week. (as compared to my normal hours of... 5-15?)
I think my new rostering manager is actually crazy...

In other news, here's a picture of a tiger hugging a dude


At January 19, 2011 at 10:53 PM , Blogger FROGGY said...

oh noooooo can't your manager get other people to cover some of your shifts???

At January 20, 2011 at 12:48 AM , Blogger f i o n a said...

HAHAHAHA "an evil institution run by a demented red haired clown" and ZOMG THOSE HOT DOGGIES ARE SO CUTTE. i never see you at summer school D: are you doing 1 or 2 subjects?

At January 21, 2011 at 6:44 AM , Blogger 21minutes said...

my manager is scary...
also I'm doing 1 although it counts as 2 units :). No fiona, I never SEE YOU


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