Friday, January 28, 2011

Just saw Crystal Castles today and hoooooly shit were they awesome.
There was just so much energy in the performance, and the frigging mosh was insane.
Around 10 minutes before they started playing, people already started pushing and jumping up and down. With no music.

So yeah. You can imagine what happened when they DID come in. Add some mfking crazy strobe lights to the equation. I'm pretty sure one chick fainted or something during the second song.

7 minutes into the 60 minute set.

But despite swimming in a sea of bouncy, pushy, sweaty men, and only having enough room for my arms to let me dance like a retarded dinosaur. It was a pretty good gig.


Certainly not for everone, but you may like it if you're into stuff that's a bit different :)

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So my friend sent me this youtube link and I got an 'internal service error'

This was written:

"500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, show them this information:
eCldIWKGkKIkssjU4RzPb6x1u6sNVuwhcecebKjFKTLlmVZZA5H2n8NxBbze Ixi7nJBwTwl1KoADnqxzryqnerTmt5P9rKSzWcsr6vZ52OiS8QvfTg6GpJWJ 00ctXHKYKDX25Lk0rkeldprlVa7KYagNoBBj5jTAGsCHs7jENixuw6Jnza55 S8nGOFb-b32J7wVHXtNFP-toumZRWNzMocjPYQfFvHKerR-cFyMiyASkPkmu xrc35ZZ1azccmYmoFy7voM07bqFewrUmla4QzOi1mPwLcQLrRK2L6n_ZY2Dt Fuj9ebau1xK9R2J-GDriSUBH919e7AgvlqZ_Hub5yUK8UNVttdI-hwdlf7Hb 8ac1sQs5dGQGPDNPrKIKCzIkL2SJcOFdVapnw8XLdnjZ8m69pTDPtZ1Y0d38 wuHNKoTWqNpX1G193tHILymmlIRys1PQdW2HMU3fwkMeVbnYPjFLcxhuRP5- EYNA_YIi5Bo9E8XXpB8aigm3cX7x8Wfe6rloZFteUT0s0T5itjAm3oNn-fIr d2MHuAkgfEb1lDpdq3gGUrgCX9tHaGM7gIab2935IREXELhBGxVgO9nYqqLU HMh80qmJJtESJZXa9l3exZ1qeOyyQ-xbMBQ5ACuj4_D1z4-QpiY-FgwxOaAx 58mweMSePyjypv1YX4gLqXT4ynT4PT-UzhBYY-oLWsdzpfvFWKKTYvyIxpkD wOSf7pM8Q-g53Kz55Mb3VJup6TRWE9_CfP5ECDc5yesZFbvcO7t6-PE8z8gP I0jIzf2XT5MmoF-Srl2L8kmcolaZkkx5ldEbcp0oAZSXN3iqdfpLS41dxM8p"
Unfortunately I did not see the aforementioned primates, and as such, was unable to enjoy the shiny colours of the youtube video : (

In other news (or as I've learned to say in spanish, 'Cambiando de tema...') I just remembered that Crystal Castles are playing this Friday. And guess who's going?

I bumped into a friend from spanish class on the train home today (the last train... what're the chances?) and THANK GOD she mentioned that it was this week. I totally forgot about it.

Somehow managed to get off my friday shift for that as well :) so i'm working a tamer... 22 hours now instead of 28. Huzzah!

One more song about moving along the highway

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I think I've mentioned before but when I get stressed out, I tend to listen to old music that I like. Right now I have a friggin spanish exam tomorrow on what's equivalent to a semester worth of content (that i've learned in.. two weeks..?).

Yes I am quite stressed, so here's the song I'm listening to now, by one of my favourite Filipino bands :)

So Far Away by Bamboo

Although it's actually a cover of a song by Carole King and is not in Filipino at all, it still reminds me of home. (come on, the lyrics are just TOO appropriate)

Honestly it's such a sad song, but it takes the tension away :)

And right now I do feel like life is one big-ass journey that I've had enough of.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again


We can't see what we don't believe, we can't dream our reality.
With our heads in the clouds and our hands in the air,
we try to catch something but nothing is there
~Lovers Electric

Breaking Point

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I've got to say that the past two weeks have been some of the damn toughest days of my entire life, especially this week.

As previously mentioned I have been doing summer school, the intenseness of which could only be described by the image of a god damn car crashing into a helicopter in mid-air.

But seriously to give you all a glimpse of the course I'm taking, we've got a test every week, and an assignment due after that and an exam every fortnight.

Also, not previously mentioned, is the fact that I'm simultaneously getting more shifts at an evil institution run by a demented red haired clown called McDonalds.
And really.. the two aren't combining well.

Pictured: School + work everyday = Jigglypuff's disapproval

Today's been my third day of school and work straight after, and I'm fairly sure that this is quite unhealthy. It's 12:25am (I got home at 11). I feel like a zombie right now, and I've got to start writing two spanish essays and finish a spanish assignment as well.

Pictured: healthy?

Also, I'm working 28 hours next week. (as compared to my normal hours of... 5-15?)
I think my new rostering manager is actually crazy...

In other news, here's a picture of a tiger hugging a dude


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Take a look at this guy for one second.

Who is he?
1970s action movie bad guy? This year's Mr. Universe candidate? Real life rambo?

No folks, that's Christopher Langan
One of the world's most intelligent individuals.

His IQ is estimated to be between 195 and 210
(To put that into perspective, Einstein is estimated to have had an IQ between 160 and 180)

So then.. with such an IQ, what is Christopher Langan's area of expertise? Physics? Chemistry? Chess?
The answer is... none of the above.
Christopher Langan specalizes in ass-kicking.

The man works as a bouncer on Long Island in New York.
Interesting how life turns out for some people eh?

Que pasa tio?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"When I procrastinate, I like to google image search random things. You should try it sometime."
~My spanish teacher

Holidays have ended, and intensive summer spanish has begun.


Each day is equivalent to what would be covered in a week during regular uni. I'm in the 3rd day, so in other words i have just covered three weeks of Spanish, and have also already finished 10% of assesments.


Doing summer uni has made me realize though, just how much we take time for granted. Honestly if I wasn't in summer uni spanishing my ass up, I'd probably just be rotting away at home. There's a French professor from Scotch in one of the Spanish classes, taking it solely because apparently there's nothing better for a French professor to do in the holidays *coughgotoFrance?cough*. In other words he's doing this intense son of a bitch for funsies. He's not even taking assesment and basically doesn't get any credit for the course (but he still pays, albeit half price).

Learning for funsies?

Inteeeeeeerresting concept.

Almost as interesting as this three headed dragon hello kitty demon spawn thing my friend got in Japan.

Pictured: ingenius work of eloquent craftsmanship. Brings tears to my eyes
Also pictured: 2011 christmas wishlist

You were a friend

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All along the fault is up for grabs why don't you have it

Well it's for sale go make your offer,

I'll sell it for no less than what I bought it for

Pay no more than absolutely zero.

~Jason Mraz

I really can't shake this feeling off